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A more equal future

A more equal future: How can men help promote gender equality?

It’s no news that women around the world are being celebrated this week. If you missed our Women’s day message, check it out here. The theme of this year’s International Women’s Day, as we probably know, is “Women in leadership: Achieving an equal future in a COVID-19 world”. The theme celebrates the tremendous efforts of women and girls around the world in shaping a more equal future and recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic.

A more equal future

In our world today, there’s the acknowledgment that women bring unique experiences, perspectives, and skills to the table; and make contributions and policies that benefit all. In spite of this, some women across the world are facing systematic barriers and all forms of abuse, and misrepresentation.

We can all choose to challenge and call out gender bias and inequality. We can all choose to seek out and celebrate women’s achievements. Over the years, the world has gotten closer to achieving gender equality. There is a better representation of women. However, there’s more work to be done. Collectively, we can all help create an inclusive world.

So, on today’s Begging Questions, please share your thoughts on how you think men can help promote gender equality.

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Phateemah A

Hey Hey! I'm Phateemah and I love DIYs. Hacks, Beauty & Lifestyle and the occasional random life advice! I hope you enjoy my articles........

6 thoughts on “A more equal future: How can men help promote gender equality?”

  1. Johnny Just Come

    The first step is to unlearn some of the cultures and mentality of yesteryears that’s no more fit for purpose.

    Men need to start getting comfortable with seeing women grow in confidence, independence with a stronger contribution to the scheme of things. The mindset of insecurity and unhealthy ego has to be worked on.

    When women are firing on all cylinders, society has it even better. Men must see the bigger picture in this.

  2. Ifunanya Mbakogu

    I love this topic. Men can help by not only changing but also correcting other men and young boys growing under them.

  3. Just be human (the good side), is all. Drop the pride, ego trips, brute nature, selfishness, etc.

    Respect people’s beliefs, rights and persons. And teach the upcoming generation about what it means to be a good person.

    No long talk dey this thing, I swear. And this goes for all persons, not just men.

  4. Damilola Ogundare

    Men can help by showing respect to women, this can start by teaching the younger generation how girls should be treated, some house chores and jobs are not made for women or men alone, anybody can do the job, depending on the person that is empowered to do so at the moment.

  5. Men need to challenge negative masculinity, and when they have a platform they should give women the opportunity to take the lead in a bid to show solidarity.

  6. Adeola Adegbite

    There’s still a lot of work to be done in achieving gender equality, one thing men can do in making this a reality is to be willing to consciously unlearn all the patriarchal mindsets indoctrinated in them by reason of culture and upbringing and relearn what it means to have women stand shoulder to shoulder with them without feeling threatened.

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