There is always something better to come. Just when you think you have it all, society puts you back on the floor and sometimes, you fall flat on your face.
In case you didn’t notice, the release date for iPhone 13 is out! Though we are not certain yet, that was a fast one. I was hoping it would get to the end of the year before something surprises me.

The oppression continues. Just when we thought Valentine was too hyped, The Headies 2021 stole the show with celebrities looking all garnished with so much sauce. We still haven’t recovered from that and now, iPhone 12 has been replaced on the birthday wish lists of gadget lovers…lol.
Just when you think you have it all, something better comes to steal the show. Twitter makes matters worse… or better. I’ll say better for me so, I can laugh hard at my iPhone 12-using friends. For more clarification, click here.
Believe me, I’m not a gadget person and I also know I’m being petty but these people oppressed me. I just have to use it to emphasize on humility.
Humility goes a long way in shaping your life and future. It tells people that you have less and they come in to see more. This is like one of the best virtues a person must have.
I can not count how many favours I have received for simply greeting an elderly person or helping a person with a heavy load, or saying sorry for a wrong I didn’t commit, or treating people with respect no matter how small they appear.
This brings me to the benefits.
It saves you from embarrassments.
I would have loved to emphasize more on my iPhone 12 friends who make fun of my humble gadget, but I think they get my point now. I have watched a lady insult an admirer so much that another lady had to defend him and right in front of the rude lady, she got a job in an oil and gas firm.
It saves you from huge losses.
I have seen a man lose his life refusing to listen to his younger brother’s warning to not attend a party. “I told him not to attend the party. I saw him die in my dream,” little Josh said.
It builds your mental capacity
I have acquired so much knowledge by listening to my younger brother’s opinion on some important decisions. Sometimes, children have playful ideas that could you that break in the advertising agency you work in.
It brings you favours you never imagined.
I have heard of stories where people got big employments by carrying heavy bags for people. I’m not saying you should go around carrying people’s bags but humility pay and it pays well every time.
It gives you friends amidst foes.
Sometimes, chewing the humble pie is everything you need to reconcile with a person. A simple “I’m sorry” does wonders when it is used. It has saved marriages at final divorce processes and it has saved lives about to be wasted because one person feels the otger is too proud to say no.
It provides quicker solutions to problems.
Have you noticed that people who get lost are people who hardly ask for directions? I have been in a bus going to a destination totally different from mine and because I was quick enough to ask for directions from people, I saved myself from unnecessary spending.
I have also been lost before and I have asked for directions from people, after saying “ How can a big girl like you be lost?”, directed me to safety. Some people might be unwilling to hear you out but you should keep asking.
When you think you have it all, You experience embarrassments. Pride gets you huge losses; it reduces your mental strength; it makes you loose expected favours; it increases your enemies and shots more doors; and it elongates your problem.
I also forgot to add that it brings in new gadgets to make your pride in your present gadget deflated. Oh, sorry. I forgot that I my iPhone- using friends had already gotten the point.
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