Short Tori podcast

Drift into a world of short stories across different genres, written by talented creative storytellers and narrated & produced by our Parrots.


Have an interesting story?

Whether it’s a real-life experience or a fiction, you can share with us and we would narrate your story with the best-in-class sound effects and production

Creative Storytellers We've Featured

Submit Your Short Tori

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Last Name *
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Pen Name
if you have a pen name please share
Instagram Profile URL *
Facebook Profile URL *
Twitter Profile URL
LinkedIn Profile URL
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What is the title of your story? *
What is the synopsis of your story? *
Upload your story *
Maximum file size: 3 MB
Allowed file types: .docx, .doc, .pdf, .txt
Do you agree to be contacted for future communication *
I confirm that the information provided on this application is correct and understand that any misrepresentation or omission may render me liable to summary dismissal if engaged. I understand that the information will be stored in manual and electronic files and is subject to the provisions of the Data Protection Act. I agree to information provided on this form being used in accordance with the Act, and, in particular, for equal opportunities monitoring.

Application Received

Thank you for your interest in The Big Showcase! Our team will review your application and get back to you soon.

Your Swipe File is Here!

Your custom-made template to organise all of your creative insights and inspirations to make your ideation process more effective.