They say a picture tells a thousand words, which means photographers like Iyzpirations are tellers of billions of words as, with their clicks, pictures are created – conveying thousands of words in each of them. Some do it as a hobby, others do it as an art. The craft can also be married into journalism to provide a different dimension to reporting.
In any case, photographers help inform and provide us with visual memories. Their work can also inspire or wow us, and through the results they produce, we gain a different perspective on the world around us – to ponder, ask questions, reflect or draw emotions. In following the curiosity to understand the minds behind the lens, I caught up with Alozie Izuchukwu Franklyn, also known as Iyzpirations.
Alozie Izuchukwu Franklyn Iyzpirations.
Interestingly, Izuchukwu did not start out studying photography. A graduate of architecture from Imo State University, Nigeria, he always had a passion for drawing and painting. In following his love for art, last year he expanded his creativity to photography. “I placed much focus on my mobile phone camera when I started realizing the authenticity of the image that captures the true nature of the subject”, he said.

In my amazement of the work he produces with his phone camera, I asked him if there were other tools he used. He simply replied, “well, I’ve just been using my mobile phone, tripod and external charger”. To think that was all he needed to produce the quality of work he was putting out blew my mind even more.
I asked him further if he had a preferred lens, of which he informed me he preferred the prime lenses because of their lightweight and the speed of capturing. He also found the images to be sharper and better.
I switched gears to ask Izuchukwu what were the items that stayed present in his suitcase whenever he packed for a trip. “Of course my camera, be it mobile or digital camera”. If there was anything he would not want to miss, it’s the inability to capture moments and events.
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Among all his work, the one that stood out for him was the “girl rape scene and the water reflection”. He further added that “the work entails the girl’s experience and how the scene would keep reflecting through her life time”.
As with every profession and interest, self-development and growth is important. I asked Izuchukwu how he managed to educate himself to take better pictures. He said, “I follow professional photographers, I join almost every photography community that comes my way on social media, and I watch movies a lot, most times, to figure out how cameras are placed to get a good angle”. For the photographer who’s work has influenced him the most, he mentioned Adrian McDonalds (lexonart).
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I concluded by asking him if there was anything he wished he knew when he started taking photos, to which we answered, “I wish I had a good convincing skill to take photos of strangers I meet in the best art or documentary moments, especially on the road”.