R emember Pinky and The Brain? The mighty cartoon duo whose daily mission is to ‘try to take over the world’? As a creative, you probably have the grand idea of taking over your industry by getting the best opportunities. Do you remember when you were on a winning streak, and nothing could shake your confidence in your abilities? However, you get that one deal, job or once-in-a-lifetime opportunity that could change your life, but you lose it.
This week’s Creative Gist is taking you down memory lane. Although we might be bursting open a pandora’s box of unpleasant memories, you might get a therapeutic experience from it. Have you ever lost a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity? If yes, read below what our creatives have to say about the topic.

Yes, I have lost a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, but my experience was bittersweet. There was a time on Twitter when I needed help raising funds for a laptop, and I was amazed by the support people showed me. I wanted to get into the tech industry so badly. Finally, I got the money to purchase the laptop, but a situation came up at home, and I had to divert the funds. People came to ask me if I was ready to start my tech career since I now own a laptop. Some people were even willing to teach me or give me courses for free. Unfortunately, I had to use the money meant for the laptop for an urgent need. I was hurt deeply.

No, I can't say that I have ever lost a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. The way I see it is that I always go for any opportunity I want, and even if I don't get it, it doesn't mean I lost it. I made a move for it, right? It's just that I didn't get it.

Yes, I have lost a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. I lost many opportunities because I refused to take risks or speak up. I was shy growing up and had self-esteem issues, which greatly affected me and my choices. I can't pinpoint what I did to stop being nervous, but I admitted that being timid wasn't who I was meant to be. Also, my mum used to tell me the same thing. So gradually, I started speaking up, even if my opinion didn't sit well with others or threatened to make me lose my connection with them. Am I still shy today? Sometimes. But I'm a lot better and more confident about pursuing once-in-a-lifetime opportunities.

No, I have never lost a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity because I usually seek new opportunities. I see an opportunity, and I confidently ask for it. I also do not hesitate to learn about opportunities beforehand so that I'm well prepared to get them.

Yes, I have lost a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. It is an embarrassing memory. I wouldn't say I like to dig up, but I will. So I was supposed to have a life-changing offer in a particular country, and I had already started the paperwork for my relocation. However, I stopped the process because I was in love with a lady. Guess what? Yeah, she left me. It was a painful experience, but it is what it is. I'm in a better place now, and life goes on.
When it comes to clinching or losing opportunities, it isn’t just about letting opportunities meet preparation. Instead, it’s also about creating a connected network of relevant stakeholders across industries, developing in-demand skills, and building the capacity to handle the loss of a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity and moving on to new opportunities. Combining these factors will make you confident enough to win more than lose.
You’ve read other people’s experiences, but we want to know yours too. Have you ever lost a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity? Share your experience below.
PS. If you would like to contribute as a respondent in the future episodes of the Creative Gist, send us an email to [email protected] or reach us via WhatsApp +2348088809311